These Nocturnes by J.M. Calleja was created all of them in the evening, hence the title of this poem set born at night time, but the night is never the essential theme, it is only the ideal setting for creation .

If we look carefully at poems, we see that the raw material with which they are made is life (dreams, everyday objects, poets, places, films, actresses …), life lived day after day without interruption, as if Each poem was the distillation of a specific experience consigned in a diary sheet with neatness and elegance, because these are two of the most distinctive notes (together with their almost artisanal rigor) that characterize their work already from their own beginnings
This vital definition is never an obstacle, on the contrary, because each work can be read from other more symbolic parameters.
From the prose of life, J.M.Calleja extracts poetry and from its night realm, it makes us more luminous the days. |